Although the State Legislature has adjourned until next year, we still may be able to get state action on public beach access, according to Mike Lameier of the National Marine Fisheries Service.
He said the upcoming review of the State's Coastal Zone Management Program is an opportunity for the public to influence how the State CZM Program in Hawaii is spending their money and tax dollars.
A team of federal reviewers will meet with government and non-government organizations in Hawaii, and have a public meeting on the Big Island, July 30, to review how our State CZM Program is doing.
The review team must then write a report, which will include "program suggestions" and "necessary action." Program actions are non-binding recommendations for the State CZM to focus more attention on specific issues raised by the public. Necessary actions are binding.
If there is enough public interest and comments about a particular issue, the federal reviewers can restrict or even deny state funding, until the state program has improved the situation regarding those issues.
Mike wrote: "As you can see, this is a great opportunity to influence our State CZM Program to give more attention and funding to public beach access issues or other issues, which you feel are important."
We need your emails and letters asking the State to step in and establish uniform guidelines for shoreline access throughout Hawaii. Point out that we need to know where additional public access ways are needed on all the islands, and explain that many residents no longer can walk easily be beaches because of gates on private and public roads.
If you have questions, contact Rich Figel via email:
Please email your comments to Ms. Carrie Hall at
Or snail mail letters to:
Ms. Carrie Hall, NOAA/NOS/OCRM
1305 East-West Highway, N/ORM7
Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910