Although our group wasn't directly involved with this rally to save free parking at the Bowls surf spot, it's a reminder that beach access isn't just about gated roads. Here's an excerpt from Will Hoover's article in the Honolulu Advertiser...
Parking fee plan for state boat harbors draws protest (Nov. 11, 2007)
Dozens of protesters rallied in Waikiki yesterday against an effort by the state to charge the public to park at small boat harbors. The group was mostly upset because they contend the fees would deny access to an ocean area near the Hilton lagoon cherished by surfers and other recreational users.
But they said the move would adversely affect people on the Neighbor Islands as well.
"We feel they are taking the rights away from the public because if we don't have money, we aren't going to be able to come in with a car because they're going to put a toll booth up front," said Melissa Ling-Ing.
She is a spokeswoman for the Common Ground Hawai'i, one of several groups at the rally that opposes rule changes proposed by the state Department of Land and Natural Resources that include charging the public hourly parking fees within the harbor.
"So, they are denying us access to a public beach," she said...
To read the complete article, please go to:
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