Today's Star-Bulletin ran a good article about the continuing problem of oceanfront property owners making claims on the beach where it has naturally expanded, or by simply growing out vegetation to grab more land (as in the photo above, which was taken last year at Kailua Beach -- note the SPRINKLER HEADS in the plantings).
We have laws saying the beach belongs to the public up to the high water wash, but vegetation is also used to mark boundaries. We have State laws that say one thing, while the individual counties make their own shoreline setback rules. Meanwhile, due to State and county budget shortfalls, personnel are being laid off which means we have less enforcement of existing laws. And no one is really responsible for overseeing our shorelines and beaches -- the State and counties just pass the buck!
Here's the article link.
My wife and I took a walk along Kailua Beach this Thanksgiving weekend. Besides the five houses that are already being rebuilt closer to the water, there are at least two vacant lots where you can be sure new owners will also build right up to the legal setback because others have already done it, and they don't want their views blocked by neighbors who will rebuild closer to the ocean.
Say goodbye to the Kailua Beach we used to love. It's well on the way to becoming another narrow stretch of sand just like Lanikai or Kahala Beach thanks to selfish, short-sighted beachfront property owners who don't give a damn about their impact on Hawaii's beaches. And thank our State and county officials too for not doing anything about it.