Kahea Foundation's Blog
KHNL News Coverage
"In 1995 the Hawaii Supreme Court ruled native Hawaiians have "gathering and cultural rights on private property" in Public Access Shore Hawaii (PASH) vs. Hawaii County Planning Commission. The high court added, "Hawaiian custom and usage have always been a part of the laws of this state."
KGMB News Coverage
"Members of 20 grassroots organizations held beach access rallies across the state today." Video coverage provided here.
KHON News Coverage
"Members of 20 grassroots organizations held beach access rallies across the state today."
Honolulu Advertiser article by William Cole
"Although Beach Access Hawai'i said the state Supreme Court repeatedly has upheld the public's right to use beaches, getting to them has gotten increasingly complicated."
Star-Bulletin Editorial in Favor of More Action to Save Beach Access
"By and large, staving off further erosion has become the work of citizens and organizations who have learned the ins and outs of laws and regulations, petitioned government, gone to court or just stood, holding signs along roads and at harbors, as they did in rallies across the state yesterday."
See Photos at Flickr (And add us a contact please!)
The news media did a really wonderful job of coming out in force and telling this story. Mahalo to all of the stations and papers who covered this event.
As Paul Haring said at Triangle Park, this is a motherhood and apple pie issue - opening up access to the beach in our neighborhoods and sharing the resort beach fronts with locals is something most everyone can support.
Talk about a ripple effect -- today (2/4) we received an email from the South Florida chapter of Surfrider, which did their own G-Day beach access sign waving rally, inspired by ours! They got extensive media coverage too...
Now we have to push for new State legislation to make our beach access laws stronger! Sign up for BAH email updates to keep on top of the latest news... Rich
Rich, I really enjoyed participating in the rally as a visitor (and clutching your Kailua sign all the way), courtesy of my exuberant friend Cynthia DeRosier. As a bicycle advocate, I see other factors dove-tailing into this problem - lack of sufficient mass transit and auto-mania. Although selfish greed is a big part of it, no one, rich or poor, likes traffic, litter and mayhem on their front doorstep - hence the need for alternative transportation solutions. I'd like to share my unsolicited take in words, pictures, and a movie aboard the crusading trolley car! Feel free to use any of it to help the cause.
Galfromdownunder;s comment
Movie clip (5 min, interviews with Rich Figel, Peter Cole, Cynthia De Rosier, Sen. Gary Hooser)
Howzit, Galfromdownunder!
Loved your YouTube clip and blog post. As soon as Rox is feeling better, we'll try to get the link up on the main site! I'm hyperlinked-challenged...
Also, couldn't agree with you more on the car culture problem. What's very distressing is the number of YOUNG people and kids who no longer walk or bike to the beach. Very sad...
Kudos Rich Figel!
You have energized public awareness about an issue that has been left unchallenged for decades. I am priveleged to say that Kailua Bay is my home! Born and raised. Arguably, no place in the world better. Denying the right to beach access is in effect, diminishing and disrespecting, the intrinsic value of such a resource. Shall we say? Bordering on criminal.
On auto-mania ... one of the worst examples I've seen in Hawaii or anywhere is that road to Haena on the North shore of Kauai. If there was ever a need for a shuttle system to take people to the trailhead while leaving their damn cars at their airport it's that road. The trailhead are resembles one, giant, traffic jam cum used car yard - not to mention the Apocalypse Now helicopter SFX every 10 minutes over "magical" Kalalau. Human beings are the invasive species, not koke frogs, miconia or mangroves ...
Wow, this is great. I really like your tube clip.
Addiction Recovery Hawaii
You tube clipping is really awesome. It is nice to see that people who supported you. Keep it up!!!!!!!!!
Hawaii Treatment Centers
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