Due to contract disputes at the Advertiser, I've been asked by employees to honor their "blog strike," which started today (Aug. 25). My prior posts are still available in the archives, and there are good article links related to the failed War on Drugs, as well as new studies about addictions. But the management has disabled the Comments until further notice. Haven't they ever heard about freedom of the press? Sheesh.
In any event, I walked to the beach this weekend and observed a few things. Remember how the City made a big to-do about those yellow 911 beach right of way signs they put up? The one by the Kailuana BROW at the north end of Kalaheo Avenue has been gone for a couple of months -- and still hasn't been replaced.
I have no idea if vandals stole it, or if someone who lives near that public access didn't like the sign because it might increase foot traffic next to their homes.
Meanwhile, despite our group's complaints about unsafe conditions on Kalaheo Avenue for pedestrians and bicyclists, not a damn thing has been done. The narrow shoulder areas along the road side are still just as narrow and half covered with debris or weeds, forcing walkers and bikers into the path of fast moving car traffic.
We were told by City Council Chair Barbara Marshall's assistant that homeowners were responsible for fixing that problem and had been notified. Really? So where's the follow-up?
Then as I was walking along the beach I saw two new houses nearing completion that are being built closer to the ocean than the older homes. Folks, if nothing is done about shoreline setbacks on Oahu, it won't be long before Kailua Beach looks more like Lanikai Beach and Kahala Beach. The closer that houses are built to the ocean, the more beachfront will be lost through erosion and vegetation growth, such as naupaka, that will extend out from those homes. Just take a drive over to Lanikai and you'll see what the future looks like.
Last beach observation: dogs are crapping on the beach and their owners are leaving it there. I have not been been opposed to allowing people to walk dogs on the beach, but if they aren't going to make sure other people pick up their dog's waste, maybe the City needs to have police hand out a few tickets. That goes for littering too.
When stuff like that happens, it reinforces the negative opinion people who live on gated roads have of beach users. I understand what they're complaining about. It's the few bad apples that ruin things for the rest of us.
BTW, below is a sample of a BAH bumper sticker we're getting printed up. We have two other designs that say, "Open Da' Gates!" and "No More Gates!" If you want one, email your home address to richfigel@yahoo.com.

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