Friday, October 12, 2007

Mayor Mufi says No Can!

Dear Wendy:

Thank you for your message.

Both of the beach accesses mentioned in your email are privately owned. Unfortunately, it seems that public abuse over the years, and the property owners' concerns with liability, have resulted in the closure of the two beach entrances.

The acquisition of private property for public use, including the conversion of a private beach right-of-way, is challenging and unless the owners agree to sell it to the City, it involves City Council action authorizing the funding, condemnation, and acquisition of the property. Once acquired, it would be the City's responsibility to maintain the access.

While we yearn for days gone by when beach access was readily available and people were comfortable leaving their home doors unlocked, we do not have the luxury of those simpler times. Beach access must now be gained through the proper process. Unfortunately, faced with aging infrastructure and the City's limited resources, we cannot afford the purchase of these private right-of-ways at this time. In the meantime, we must utilize the public parks and beach accesses that are avalable in the areas.


Mufi Hannemann

Note: The original letter to Mayor Hannemann can be read here.

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